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About this book: First I would like to say Thank you to the people who help make it a reality. This book will be written under my pen-name/ art-nick/ or avatar and not my real name. The title ZENKON's Chronicles by TomboLock gathers my experiences and lessons I've learned that I compiled as my Avatar TomboLock. Why does this matter ?

It's pretty simple, because we may have many names, many encounters, many sides, but this one won it out for me. Does it feel different if I have used my real name ? Yes, because there is a lot in a name you may not understand.

My real name is the name given to me, with pre-connections, co-owned by my parents. It is the vision they have for me. However my Avatar is my persona that emerged out of the "Journey of my Living". - TomboLock

I will put in some real names here though, to the people whom I am thankful for and who allow me to name them. I will credit them for the success of this book and for helping me reach my destination on time.

The first I have to credit is definately my parents: My dad (Low Lee Kun) who taught me so little and yet so much at the same time. My mom (Loo Suan Ing) who tried her hardest to live her life right, showing me such a struggle it is. And finally if you're not yet named, to my extended family and friends for being present when they are, to hear my ramblings and weird thoughts. XD

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