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Decided to slowly compile a collection of Lines for my Book "Theorem of An Upright Bone." This post I will thus update it as and when fitting. Line: "The day has come, that the stars aligned for me once more, that I shall bow down to my king~ for he who possesses the right of heaven's will~ may do his duty to god, to his people and lay a peace when done."

卧虎藏龙 ,备无扑 ,治者善在用仁道~ 胜者为王 ,败为后 ,不服可来展三分~ 龙年开封五行道,运转乾坤带风朝,爹娘不弃你而红,三代可纳长江福~ 回天照亮家守月,陪带子孙曰和读~ 治人之道不可灭,防罪拿进心头恨~ 祝众安祥过好年呀~ 过好年~~

wo hu chang long , bei wu pu , zhi zhe shan zai yong ren dao ~ sheng zhe wei wang , bai wei hou , bu fu ke lai zhan san fen ~ long nian kai feng wu hang dao , yun zhuan qian kun dai feng chao, die niang bu qi ni er hong, san dai ke na chang jiang fu~ hui tian zhao liang jia shou yue, pei dai zi sun yue he du~ zhi ren zhi dao bu ke mei, fang zui na jing xin tou hen ~ zhu zhong an xiang guo hao nian ya ~ guo hao nian ~~ XD


cifei youqing guo, zhishi fannao jiu, zhizhe shanguan ji, buchen zhuyou qing~

Line: "This isn't about the end of feelings~ Just only worries spouted~ The healer refects upon one own (path)~ And do not hate sentient beings.~"

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