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Heyo Imma back for a bit, today I wanna blog about learning to deal with your emotions. Being emo is sometimes a gud and bad thing. Emo people love to feel things yet they can get hurt ezily too for it.

Here is the take though, if your angry most of the time, learning to kill your anger might be gud. . killing your emotions is just not giving a F abt whatever and minding your own business, ofc at some stage we all learn to do that. . but for some who are already consumed they can't find a way out. They instead find hollow in their hearts and it pains them mysteriously without knowing. If your one such person, this writing is also for you. It is also for people who lost their control over self and their lives and don't know where to start. Dealing with your emotions is a gud first step to bring order and prevent emotions to consume self in a bad way.

But know that, killing is the ultimatum and the strongest hand at dealing with anything. So no need to practice it unless you have a gud reason.

Thinking abt it, guess maybe its better to kill your worries >,> if your a depress person most of the time instead. Ofc some will now argue that you need to resolve your problems, but nah. . somethings are surely ezier killing than resolving, esp if they are alive and everchanging, like emotions.

I rem once my anger welling up so badly I was abt to rage into real matters, but I learn to kill my anger just abt then too in an act of trying to save my self, it felt so gud after that I didn't do anything stupid!! The worst emotion are those who go into vicious cycles. I had a couple of bad relationships and I know it can do pretty gud dmg to your mental health. Many people ain't just the same after. Their viewpoints may even take 180 degree changes and they start alienating and closing their selves off. It's such a prevelant problem that people begin to distrust society as they meet and focus their attention on the negativity they received from their relationships.

Since I had to learn to do it the hard way too, I know exactly how difficult it is. The other thing you need to fix in your life and put back order is to learn to put away the past. . By that, I ment learn to almost completely put it away and return to the present moment. . Recently, I did learn that, and it was as though I found a lost part of my self! I felt complete when I got back !!

Too bad imma kinda oldish now 😛 I should of learn many of these things when younger. . get further in life haha. But nevertheless this is something useful to master for all walks of life and no matter what age you came to learn it. For if you didn't completely get over your past, it is bound to bite you back at one stage or another. Worst would be if you keep accumulating more this types of karma XD and your life flows as if your drifting without your knowing kek. Remember !! At some stage you will want to kill of some things, so that you can gain some semblence of self control.

And at best without doing any harm to others in the process. Cheers yall. . Have a good day !!! ~ Tombolock.

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